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Dual Credit Speech, Aug 13 - Oct. 1

Grades 10 - 12
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Course Schedule
Class Follows Upper Fall Only Schedule
Dates: 2024-08-13 to 2024-10-01
Tuition: $0 / Semester
Supplies: $0
Expectations and Homework
Homework will be given by Southeastern University. Since this is a college level course, homework will take approximately three to five hours per week.
Must be admitted to Christian Halls International and Southeastern University
Class Supplies Needed
Specified workbooks
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About the Course
Dual Credit Speech, Aug 13 - Oct. 1

The Fundamentals of Speech Class is a study in both theory and practice in the principles of effective speech development and presentation.

Fundamentals of Speech is an 8 week dual credit class offered by Southeastern University through Christian Halls International. Students take the class online and then meet for one hour each week at Cornerstone to check student work and have class discussions. Students submit coursework through the SEU online portal. Students must be accepted to both Christian Halls and SEU. Because this is a dual credit class which is completed in only 8 weeks, the time commitment for the course is heavier. Students can expect to spend 8 hours or more each week completing coursework.

This course will start on August 13 and end on October 1, 2024. 





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About Diane

Diane Cullen has taught classes at Cornerstone since 2013. Previously, Diane led the Truth Advocates Speech and Debate Club for nine years teaching students the skills of speaking and debating for competition. She has given feedback on a large number of speeches and debates. She also coordinated and led speech and debate tournaments for the National Christian Forensics and Communications Association. Before that, Diane taught Career Decision making at IUS for fifteen years. While at IUS, Diane was also the Internship Coordinator. She is certified in the Myers Briggs Type Indicator personality assessment tool and has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communications from Taylor University. Diane homeschooled her five children who have all now graduated from college. In her free time, she enjoys reading, traveling, interior design, hiking, kayaking, and spending time with friends and family.

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