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New family enrollment for Cornerstone fall classes is now closed. 

Physical Science

Grades 8 - 9
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Course Schedule
Class Follows Upper Annual Schedule
Dates: 2024-08-13 to 2025-05-13
Tuition: $400 / Annual
Supplies: $0
Expectations and Homework
Each class period is meant to represent one week's worth of work. Homework will be completed over a 4-5 day period of about 45-60 min/day. This will vary with each student. Homework will be graded. If homework is not turned in on time, it will result in a lower grade. If a student is absent, it is his/her responsibility to inform the instructor. If a pre-planned event will cause the student to miss class, advanced notice must be given to the instructor. The student may join virtually via Google Meet if possible. If a test is planned during the missed class, the student must make arrangements to take the test in advance. Should we not be allowed to meet in person, we will still have class at the designated time via Google Meet unless instructed otherwise. All homework/tests/lab write-ups during at-home instruction will need to be mailed to the instructor unless instructed otherwise.
Suggested to have General Science first
Class Supplies Needed
Apologia Physical Science Textbook 3rd Edition (ISBN 9781946506511), 3 ring binder, wide ruled loose leaf paper, 3x5 in. notecards, pencils
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About the Course
Physical Science

The text discusses atomic structure, periodic table, chemical bonds, reactions and energy, motion, forces, energy, waves and sound, light, electricity and magnetism, Earth's structure, weathering, and atmosphere.

This course is designed to be the last science course the student takes before high school Biology.  We generally recommend it as an 8th grade course, but students can use it for their 9th grade coursework.

There is no additional supply fee for labs.

Curriculum:  Exploring Creation with Physical Science 3rd Edition

ISBN:  9781946506511

Author:  Vicki Dincher

Publisher:  Apologia


Fulfills the IDoE class description for 3102 Physical Science class to be used as a physical science requirement for general diploma or a science credit for all diplomas (1 credit hour)


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About Cassandra

Cassandra Laurenti was born and raised in Southwestern Indiana. She is a graduate of Wood Memorial High School and University of Southern Indiana. With her degree in Chemistry, she entered the coatings industry where she remained a coatings chemist until her first born arrived. Since then, she has remained dedicated to the upbringing of her now four children. With her husband of 24 years, she homeschools her children while remaining involved in the community. She has taught at Cornerstone Classical School for 8 years and has enjoyed making science a fun and enjoyable subject for all.

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