American History
Grades 9 - 12Some information is not shown until you have an approved application, and logged in with an approved account.
Course Schedule
Dates: 2024-08-13 to 2025-05-09
Supplies: $0
Expectations and Homework
Class Supplies Needed
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About the Course

American History is a United States history course covering all major events and people, beginning with how the Reformation influenced the founding principles and concluding with how those principles are currently being threatened. All topics are examined from a biblical worldview. The course will include reading, analyzing, discussion, some writing and an oral presentation.
Required Books:
BJUP American Republic Student Text, 4th edition* ISBN: 9781606828571
Rand McNally Atlas of American History, grades 5-12 ISBN: 9780528026911
Never Before in History ISBN: 9780964210428
Great Events in American History; Rebecca Price Janney
*Note: Why I use BJUP 8th grade American Republic, 4th edition? I find this textbook to be just as thorough as the 11th grade text but more readable
and engaging. There is a 5th edition, but the publisher says it was written to make the course more "Jr. High friendly" which also indicates
the 4th edition is actually a highschool level book.
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About Monica

I have been involved in the homeschool community for over 30 years. I homeschooled seven children, and now help with the education of several of my eighteen grandchildren. I enjoy teaching history and geography, especially to Jr. high and high school students. I taught World History at Cornerstone several years ago when my children were involved, and I have taught World Geography, World History and Speech at Heritage Family Educators Coop.
I earned a BS in Health Services Administration at Eastern Kentucky University. After college, I worked at Norton Hospital as Assistant Director of the Medical Record Department. In addition to supervising staff, I developed educational programs for the department and taught classes in medical terminology and anatomy to hospital employees.
In my free time I read history books for fun! I also enjoy writing Bible studies and have written four Bible studies for women.